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Copy Protected Virtual e USB Pen drive

e USB Pen drive [ Virtual  Drive | Copy Protected] 

for Windows & Android

ttdsoft e usb pen drive for windows

ttdsoft - e USB Pen Drive 
(Virtual Drive | Pre Copy Protected )
@ Rs99 or $2
- for Windows ( Computers | Laptops )

ttdsoft e usb pen drive for windows

ttdsoft - e USB PenDrive 
[App Pendrive | Pre Copy Protected ]
@ Rs99 or $2
- for Android ( Mobile | Tab | Smart TV )

e USB drive, e Pen drive [ Virtual Drive | Pre Copy Protected ]   

e USB drive , e Pen drive , e OTG drive - Virtual Drive with bulit-in Copy Protection
for Any Software, All Videos , All Audios , PDF, eBooks , MS Office files , Excel , Doc , PPT , All Images and EXE applications and program

ttdsoft comes with the new concept of pen drive or USB drive , called e Pen drive , e USB drive [ Virtual drive ] . this e Pen drive, e USB drive [Virtual drive] is a folder of any size ( 50MBto 1000GB ), when it opens in computer or Android device [ Mobile | Tab | Smart TV | Projector ) ,works like a pen drive or USB drive                                                                                                   Here e Pen drive or e USB drive - e stands for - email | encrypted | electronics Pen drive or USB drive    

email - you can sent it via WhatsApp or email [ using google drive ] 

encrypted - data you will put in it is fully encrypted [ Copy Protected ] no one can copy your data , only with your permission user can access the data with date validation 

 electronics - it is a virtual pen drive , when open in PC or android devices, it works like a Physical Pen drive or USB drive

e Pen drive , e USB drive can be used to encrypt and copy protect any files , any data , any audio ,any video ,any image file , Flash file | Example - MPEG ,MP4 , MP3 , AVI ,PDF, EXCEL , DOC ,PPT, EXE , etc. 

Call us or WhatsApp now We will provide you free download  of e Pen drive , e USB with Built-in Copy Protection software 

e Pen drive , e USB drive ( Virtual drive ) – It is a folder of any size (50mb to 1000 gb), when it opens in computer or Android device [ Mobile | Tab | Smart TV | Projector ) ,works like a pen drive
OS support : Android | Windows
Device Support : Mobile | TAB | Smart TV | Android Projector | Windows PC


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